Title Description Type Community/Service CCAM Member(s) Relationship
Accessible Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) Through this new center, the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) and its partners will be engaging with older adults, people with disabilities, those who regularly use public transportation services (and those who don’t), along with local, state and federal partners, to: develop and distribute transportation resources, identify key areas of improvement for accessibility opportunities within the transportation industry and promote inclusive planning throughout the transportation design process. Additionally, ATRC will be developing the National Accessible Transportation Accelerator Network (NATAN), host a new website and meet with five communities to increase accessible transportation options for those historically excluded from transportation planning.  Technical Assistance Transportation; Older adults; People with disabilities HHS
ADA Participation Action Research Consortium (ADA-PARC) The ADA-PARC is a collaborative research project of ten Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Regional Centers. Technical Assistance People with disabilities HHS
ADvancing States ADvancing States represents the nation’s 56 state and territorial agencies on aging and disabilities and long-term services and supports directors. Their mission is to design, improve, and sustain state systems delivering long-term services and supports for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers.
Partner Organization Older adults HHS
American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) The AAPD works to increase the political and economic power of people with disabilities. As a national disability-led and cross-disability rights organization, AAPD advocates for full civil rights for over 60 million Americans with disabilities. Partner Organization People with disabilities DOL
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) The AASHTO is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing highway and transportation departments in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. It represents all transportation modes: air, highways, public transportation, active transportation, rail, and water. Its primary goal is to foster the development, operation, and maintenance of an integrated national transportation system. Partner Organization Transportation DOT
American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) As the voice of the community corrections industry, APPA serves as the field’s leading professional membership association. Their work is supported by thousands of passionate members throughout the U.S. and Canada, as well as other countries actively involved in strengthening community corrections work. Partner Organization Justice DOJ
American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) The APHSA supports leaders from state, county, and city human services agencies to advance the well-being of individuals, families, and communities nationwide. As a bipartisan membership association, they work with their members to generate pragmatic solutions grounded in lived experience with a lens for equity and belonging. Partner Organization Rural HHS
American Public Transportation Association (APTA) The APTA is a nonprofit international association of more than 1,500 public and private sector member organizations. Benefits to their members include advocacy for federal funding and policies, research, technical expertise and consulting services, workforce development programs, educational conferences and seminars, and 135 subject-matter working committees. Partner Organization Transportation DOT
Ancor For more than a half-century, ANCOR has worked to shape policy and share solutions to strengthen the ability of community-based providers to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Their 2,000 members operate in nearly every corner of the country to make inclusion a reality for people of all abilities. Partner Organization People with disabilities NCD
Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) JDAI is a network of juvenile justice practitioners and other system stakeholders across the country working to build a better and more equitable youth justice system. Partner Organization Justice DOJ
Assistive Technology Act Technical Assistance and Training Center (AT3) The mission of the AT3 is to increase access to and acquisition of assistive technologies by individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. Technical Assistance People with disabilities HHS
Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) The AMCHP’s mission is to advance the health of women, children, youth, families, and communities by strengthening governmental public health and deepening community partnerships through a health equity lens. AMCHP has served as a national resource, partner, and advocate for state public health leaders and others working to improve maternal and child health public health systems. Partner Organization Health; Youth and families HHS
Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) AMPO’s mission is to help communities thrive by strengthening the MPOs that plan for safe, reliable, and equitable multi-modal transportation networks that are accessible to all. MPOs vary by size, region, and needs, and AMPO strives to provide innovative approaches and curated solutions to help all MPOs. Partner Organization Transportation DOT
Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living (APRIL) The APRIL is a premiere national disability-led organization that advances the equity of people with disabilities in rural communities through advocacy, collaboration, shared experience, leadership development, education, and training. The APRIL continues to focus on being national grassroots, nonprofit membership organization consisting of members from centers for independent living and statewide independent living councils, other organizations, and individuals committed to advancing equity throughout rural communities and beyond.  Partner Organization Rural HHS
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) The ASTHO is a nonprofit organization committed to supporting the work of state and territorial public health officials and furthering the development and excellence of public health policy nationwide. The ASTHO's membership is comprised of 59 chief health officials from each of the 50 states, Washington, D.C., five U.S. territories, and three Freely Associated States Partner Organization Health HHS
Association of State and Tribal Home Visiting Initiatives (ASTHVI) The ASTHVI is member-driven and dedicated to supporting members in the effective implementation and improvement of home visiting programs at the state, territory and Tribal level. Partner Organization Youth and families HHS
AT3 Center, Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs AT3Center provides training and technical assistance for all AT Act Programs and provides the public with up-to-date information and resources related to assistive technology. Partner Organization People with disabilities HHS
Big Cities Health Coalition (BCHC) The BCHC is a forum for the leaders of America’s largest metropolitan health departments to exchange strategies and jointly address issues to promote and protect the health and safety of the 61 million people they serve.  Partner Organization Health HHS
Center for Children and Family Futures - Family Treatment Courts Training and Technical Assistance Program Children and Family Futures strives to prevent child abuse and neglect while improving safety, permanency, well-being and recovery outcomes with equity for all children, parents and families affected by trauma, substance use and mental health disorders. Children and Family Futures, through a variety of federally and foundation funded projects, provides an array of tailored training and technical assistance (TTA) services to Tribes, states, counties, and communities. These services range from providing customized resources, to virtual and in-person multidisciplinary training, and long-term cross-systems strategic planning, capacity building, and consultation. Technical Assistance Youth and families DOJ
Center for Children’s Law and Policy (CCLP) The CCLP is a public interest law and policy organization focused on reform of juvenile justice and other systems that affect troubled and at-risk children, and protection of the rights of children in those systems. Their staff members include lawyers and former juvenile justice professionals with extensive expertise in creating a more equitable and effective juvenile justice system.  Partner Organization Justice; Youth and families DOJ
Center for Juvenile Justice Reform The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University supports and educates leaders across systems of care to advance a balanced, multi-system approach to improving outcomes for, and promoting the positive development of, youth at risk of juvenile justice involvement. Partner Organization Justice; Youth and families DOJ
Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) CWLA is a powerful coalition of hundreds of private and public agencies that since 1920 has worked to serve children and families who are vulnerable. Their expertise, leadership and innovation on policies, programs, and practices help improve the lives of millions of children across the country. Partner Organization Youth and families HHS
Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) The CTAA members are in the business of moving people – efficiently and cost-effectively. CTAA staff, board and state/tribal delegates are dedicated to ensuring that all Americans, regardless of age, ability, geography or income, have access to safe, affordable and reliable transportation. Their priority is their members and the communities and passengers they serve. Partner Organization Transportation DOT
Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) The Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD) is the largest coalition of national organizations working together to advocate for federal public policy that ensures the self-determination, independence, empowerment, integration and inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in all aspects of society. Partner Organization People with disabilities ED
Council of Large Public Housing Authorities (CLPHA) The CLPHA is a non-profit organization that works to preserve and improve public and affordable housing through advocacy, research, policy analysis, and public education. Our membership includes more than 75 of the largest and most innovative public housing authorities across the country.  Partner Organization Housing HUD
Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) The CSAVR is composed of the chief administrators of the public rehabilitation agencies serving individuals with physical and mental disabilities in the States, District of Columbia, and the territories. These agencies constitute the state partners in the State-Federal program of rehabilitation services provided under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The Council’s members supervise the rehabilitation of some 1.2 million persons with disabilities. Partner Organization People with disabilities ED
Council of State Governments (CSG) Justice Center The CSG Justice Center is a national, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that combines the power of a membership association, serving state officials in all three branches of government, with policy and research expertise to develop strategies that increase public safety and strengthen communities. Technical Assistance Justice; Health DOJ
Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) DIAL helps people with disabilities get connected to information about local community resources that support independent living. Launched in 2021 to help disabled people access COVID-19 vaccinations, DIAL also provides information about essential services such as transportation, housing support, disability rights, and more. Technical Assistance People with disabilities; Transportation HHS
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) The DREDF, founded in 1979, is a leading national civil rights law and policy center directed by individuals with disabilities and parents who have children with disabilities. Partner Organization People with disabilities DOL
Easterseals Through their national network of affiliates, Easterseals provides essential services and on-the-ground supports to more than 1.5 million people each year — from early childhood programs for the critical first five years, to autism services, to medical rehabilitation and employment programs, to veterans’ services, and more. Their public education, policy, and advocacy initiatives positively shape perceptions and address the urgent and evolving needs of the one in four Americans living with disabilities today. Partner Organization Youth and families ED
Eldercare Locator The Eldercare Locator is a nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with trustworthy local support resources.  Technical Assistance Older adults HHS
Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) EARN offers information and resources to help organizations of all sizes recruit, hire, retain, and advance people with disabilities; build inclusive workplace cultures; and meet diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) goals.  Technical Assistance Labor; People with disabilities DOL
Faces & Voices of Recovery Faces & Voices of Recover is working to eliminate barriers to recovery for every American, every family and to help today’s children and future generations, who often are the biggest winners in the process of recovery. Partner Organization Health HHS
Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) The FNIH creates and leads alliances and public-private partnerships that advance breakthrough biomedical discoveries and improve the quality of people’s lives. Partner Organization Health HHS
Health Outreach Partners (HOP) HOP’s mission is to build strong, effective, and sustainable grassroots health models by partnering with local community-based organizations across the country in order to improve the quality of life of low-income, vulnerable, and underserved populations. HOP provides training and technical assistance (T/TA) to existing and potential Health Center Program award recipients and look-alikes (health centers). HOP offers T/TA on outreach and enabling services (e.g., transportation), program planning and development, needs assessments and evaluation, and community collaboration, particularly targeting migratory and seasonal agricultural workers. Partner Organization; Technical Assistance Health HHS
Job Accommodation Network (JAN) JAN is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues. Serving customers across the United States and around the world for 40 years, JAN provides free one-on-one practical guidance and technical assistance on job accommodation solutions, Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related legislation, and self-employment and entrepreneurship options for people with disabilities.  Technical Assistance Labor; People with disabilities DOL
MobilityData MobilityData facilitates the mobility industry to develop data specifications and tools. Partner Organization Transportation DOT
Moving to Work (MTW) Collaborative The MTW was created in 1996 as a demonstration program for public housing agencies (PHAs). MTW provides PHAs the opportunity to design and test innovative, flexible, local strategies to improve outcomes for their residents and address the affordable housing needs of their communities. The MTW Collaborative is a non-profit membership organization that advocates on behalf of MTW communities, educates on MTW issues, and works to broaden the MTW program.  Partner Organization Housing HUD
National Aging and Disability Transportation Assistance Center (NADTC) The NADTC promotes the availability and accessibility of transportation options that meet the needs of older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers. Technical Assistance Transportation; Older adults; People with disabilities DOT
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) NAMI is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Partner Organization Health HHS
National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) The NAIHC's mission is to effectively and efficiently promote and support American Indians, Alaska Natives and native Hawaiians in their self- determined goal to provide culturally relevant and quality affordable housing for native people. Partner Organization Tribal HUD
National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) Training and Technical Assistance Center The CSBG Services, a division of NASCSP, provides research, analysis, training and technical assistance to state CSBG offices, community action agencies and state associations, in order to increase their capacity to prevent and reduce poverty. Technical Assistance Individuals of Low Income HHS
National Association for State Community Services Programs (state administrators) (NASCSP) The NASCSP is a professional association whose members are state administrators of the Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG) and the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). NASCSP is the premier national association charged with advocating and enhancing the leadership role of states in preventing and reducing poverty. Partner Organization Individuals of Low Income HHS
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) is a national nonprofit, membership association. Their mission is dedicated to ensuring educational equity and excellence for children and youth experiencing homelessness, including high mobility children and youth, through collaboration, learning, leadership and capacity building of our members. Technical Assistance Youth and families ED
National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) NACHC is the leading innovative change agent collaborating with affiliates and partners to advance Community Health Centers as the foundation of an equitable health care system free from disparities and built on accessible, patient-governed, high-quality, integrated primary care. Partner Organization Health HHS
National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) The NACDD is the national membership association for the 56 State Councils on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD or DD Councils) across the United States and its territories. The DD Councils receive federal funding to support policy change and programs that promote self-determination, integration, and inclusion for all people in the United States with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Partner Organization People with disabilities NCD
National Association of Counties (NACo) NACo strengthens America’s counties, serving nearly 40,000 county elected officials and 3.6 million county employees. Partner Organization Rural USDA
National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Since its inception, NACCHO has sought to improve the public's health while adhering to a set of core values: equity, excellence, participation, respect, integrity, leadership, science & innovation. NACCHO is governed by 27-member Board of Directors, comprising local and tribal health officials from across the country.  Partner Organization Health HHS
National Association of County Veterans Service Officers (NACVSO) The NACVSO purpose is to train & educate CVSOs and veterans advocates in preparation, submission and representation of claims with Department of Veteran Affairs. Their purpose is to also advocate on behalf of veterans and eligible family members to receive the benefits in which they are rightfully earned. Partner Organization Veterans VA
National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation (NADO) The National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) is a 501c4 membership association that represents the interests of regional community and economic development practitioners. Established in 1967, NADO advocates for federal policies and programs that promote equitable community development, economic competitiveness, rural development, economic mobility, and quality of place.  Partner Organization; Technical Assistance Rural; Transportation USDA; DOT
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) The NAHRO, which was established in 1933, is a membership organization of more than 19,500 housing and community development providers and professionals throughout the United States. NAHRO members create and manage affordable housing for low- and middle-income families, and support vibrant communities that enhance the quality of life for all. NAHRO members administer more than 3 million homes for more than 8 million people. Partner Organization Housing HUD; USDA
National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) The NAMD is leading and supporting Medicaid leaders so millions of people can achieve their best health. Partner Organization Health HHS
National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) The NANASP is a national membership organization for persons across the country working to provide older adults healthful food and nutrition through community-based services.  Partner Organization Older adults USDA
National Association of State Workforce Agencies (NASWA) The NASWA is the national organization representing all 50 state workforce agencies, D.C. and U.S. territories. These agencies deliver training, employment, career, business and wage and hour services, in addition to administering the unemployment insurance, veteran reemployment and labor market information programs. The NASWA provides policy expertise, shares promising state practices and promotes state innovation and leadership in workforce development. Partner Organization Labor DOL
National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) NAWB represents and advocates for the nation's more than 590 Workforce Development Boards, which coordinate with education and economic development stakeholders to administer regional workforce programs which meet the needs of job seekers, career-seekers, businesses, and communities. Technical Assistance Labor DOL
National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) NAWDP is a professional association representing individual workforce development and human resources practitioners, who connect jobseekers, educators and companies to advance the American economy. NAWDP provides the professional development, resources, and certification credibility to individuals seeking to thrive in the workforce development industry as thought leaders and innovators.  Technical Assistance Labor DOL
National Center for Applied Transit Technology (N-CATT) N-CATT’s mission is to provide small-urban, rural, and tribal transit agencies with practical, replicable resources that help them apply technological solutions and innovations. Technical Assistance Transportation DOT
National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) To pursue, facilitate, and support partnerships between transportation/mobility management agencies and organizations that provide health-related, social, and community services to older adults, people with disabilities, and/or low-income individuals and families, with the goal of enhancing transportation options for all through coordination and mobility management practices and strategic partnerships. Technical Assistance Transportation; Older adults; People with disabilities; Individuals of Low Income DOT
National Center on Advancing Person-Centered Practices and Systems (NCAPPS) The NCAPPS is an initiative from the Administration for Community Living and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services that helps States, Tribes, and Territories implement person-centered thinking, planning, and practice in line with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services policy. Technical Assistance Health HHS
National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement (NCPFCE) NCPFCE provides training and technical assistance (TTA) for Head Start and Early Head Start staff who work with families. NCPFCE professional development activities reflect current evidence and lead to improved: Technical Assistance Youth and families HHS
National Community Action Partnership (NCAP) NCAP is a national, 501(c)3 nonprofit membership organization that provides technical assistance, training, and other resources to Community Action Agencies, nonprofit and public groups funded by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), a federal program that allocates funding to states to connect Americans to greater opportunity. Partner Organization; Technical Assistance Individuals of Low Income; Youth and families HHS; USDA
National Community Development Association (NCDA) The NCDA is a non-partisan national nonprofit association comprised of more than 500 local governments across the country that administer federally – supported community development, affordable housing, and economic development programs through HUD. Partner Organization Housing HUD
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) The NCSL, created by state legislators and legislative staff in 1975, serves America’s 50 states, commonwealths, territories and the District of Columbia. Every state legislator and staffer is a member of the organization and has complete access to the latest in bipartisan policy research, training resources and technical assistance tailored specifically to their needs.  Partner Organization Health HHS
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) NCAI, a non-profit organization, advocates for a bright future for generations to come by taking the lead to gain consensus on a constructive and promising vision for Indian Country. The organization’s policy issues and initiatives are driven by the consensus of their diverse membership, which consists of American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments, tribal citizens, individuals, and Native and non-Native organizations.
Partner Organization Tribal DOI; HUD
National Council of Urban Indian Health (NCUIH) The NCUIH serves as a resource center for individuals and organizations dedicated to improving the health of American Indians and Alaska Natives living in urban areas. NCUIH provides advocacy, education, technical assistance, training, leadership, and connections to Urban Indian Organizations and others who share their important mission. Partner Organization Tribal HHS
National Council on Aging (NCOA) NCOA delivers the resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy our nation needs to ensure that every person can age with health and financial security.  Technical Assistance Older adults DOL
National Council on Independent Living (NCIL) The NCIL is the longest-running national cross-disability, grassroots organization run by and for people with disabilities. Founded in 1982, NCIL represents thousands of organizations and individuals including: individuals with disabilities, Centers for Independent Living (CILs), Statewide Independent Living Councils (SILCs), and other organizations that advocate for the human and civil rights of people with disabilities throughout the United States. Partner Organization People with disabilities NCD
National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) The NCJA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, non-partisan, member association dedicated to assisting criminal justice agencies in the development and implementation of effective criminal justice policy. Their members represent all facets of the criminal and juvenile justice community, including law enforcement, corrections, prosecution, defense, courts, victim and witness services, and academics, as well as elected officials. Partner Organization Justice DOJ
National Disability Rights Network (NDRN) The National Disability Rights Network works in Washington, DC on behalf of the Protection and Advocacy Systems (P&As) and Client Assistance Programs (CAPs), the nation’s largest providers of legal advocacy services for people with disabilities. Partner Organization People with disabilities USDA
National Employment Network Association (NENA) The NENA is a professional organization with a mission to provide training, advocacy, technical assistance, and networking to Employment Networks and their partners under the SSA Ticket to Work program with a focus on increasing program participation and employment outcomes. Partner Organization Labor SSA
National Family Support Technical Assistance Center (NFSTAC) NFSTAC is committed to providing training and technical assistance using a lifespan approach that focuses on mental health and/or substance use challenges.  Technical Assistance Health HHS
National Federation of the Blind (NFB) The NFB is the oldest and largest nationwide organization of blind Americans. Through their network of blind members, they coordinate many programs, services, and resources to defend the rights of blind Americans, provide information and support to blind children and adults, and build a community that creates a future full of opportunities. Partner Organization People with disabilities NCD
National Head Start Association (NHSA) The NHSA's mission is to coalesce, inspire, and support the Head Start field as a leader in early childhood development and education. NHSA is committed to the belief that every child, regardless of circumstances at birth, has the ability to succeed in life. We are the voice for more than 1 million children, 275,000 staff, and 1,600 grant recipients in the United States. Since 1974, NHSA has worked for policy changes that ensure all income-eligible children have access to the Head Start model. Partner Organization Youth and families HHS
National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC) The NHCHC is the premier national organization working at the nexus of homelessness and health care. Grounded in human rights and social justice, the NHCHC mission is to build an equitable, high-quality health care system through training, research, and advocacy in the movement to end homelessness. Partner Organization Health; Individuals of Low Income HHS
National Healthy Start Association (NHSA) The NHSA was formally established in the State of Maryland in 1999 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The project directors of the original federally-funded Healthy Start projects established NHSA to ensure the sustainability of the Healthy Start program and to provide continued advocacy, support and technical assistance as the program grew from the original 22 projects to almost 100 projects. The NHSA carries out the mission and vision to be a leader in reducing infant and maternal mortality and to eradicate racial and ethnic health disparities.
Partner Organization Health HHS
National Homelessness Law Center (NHLC) The National Homelessness Law Center's mission is to fearlessly advance federal, state and local policies to prevent and end homelessness while fiercely defending the rights of all unhoused persons.  Partner Organization Housing; Individuals of Low Income ED
National Mentoring Resource Center Launched in January 2014, the National Mentoring Resource Center is a comprehensive and reliable resource for mentoring tools, program and training materials, as well as access to no-cost training and technical assistance. Partner Organization Justice DOJ
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) Since 1983, NORD has been a national steward and a steadfast partner helping those who battle and care for rare disease feel seen, heard, supported and connected. They are a full-service, mission-driven nonprofit reimagining a future where every person with a rare disease, and their families live their best lives. Partner Organization Health HHS
National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) The NOSORH was established in 1995 to assist State Offices of Rural Health (SORH) in their efforts to improve access to, and the quality of, health care for nearly 61 million rural Americans. Partner Organization Health DOT; HHS; USDA
National Paralysis Resource Center (NPRC) Co-founded by Christopher and Dana Reeve as they struggled to find resources to help their family find a new normalcy after his spinal cord injury, the National Paralysis Resource Center is focused on the day-to-day challenges of living an independent and fulfilling life.  Technical Assistance Health HHS
National Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) The NRRC was established by the Second Chance Act (Public Law 110-199). Signed into law in 2008 and reauthorized in 2018, the Second Chance Act authorizes federal grants to government agencies and nonprofit organizations to provide reentry services—including employment assistance, substance use treatment, housing, family programming, mentoring, victims support, and other services—and to support corrections and supervision practices that aim to reduce recidivism. Technical Assistance Justice DOJ
National Rural Health Association (NRHA) The NRHA is a national nonprofit membership organization that brings together thousands of members across the United States. Partner Organization Health; Rural DOT; USDA
National Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) RTAP's overarching mission is to address the training and technical assistance needs of rural, and tribal transit operators across the nation, and to support the state RTAP programs.  Partner Organization; Technical Assistance Transportation; Rural; Tribal DOT
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT:C) NTACT:C offers information, tools, and supports to assist multiple stakeholders to deliver effective services and instruction for students and out-of-school youth with disabilities. Technical Assistance People with disabilities ED
National Treatment Court Resource Center (NTCRC) The National Treatment Court Resource Center’s mission is to equip treatment court practitioners with an array of resources relevant to the field. Since October 2019, the NDCRC has been housed in the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) in Wilmington, North Carolina. Our work focuses on providing treatment court professionals with the information needed to design and implement programs that align with best practice standards, expand and enhance court operations, as well as collect and analyze program data.  Technical Assistance Health DOI
National Veterans' TA Center (NVTAC) NVTAC provides training and technical assistance to its grantees and other organizations who are committed to helping veterans experiencing homelessness find employment.  Technical Assistance Veterans; Labor DOL
No Wrong Door (NWD) / Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) All people, regardless of age or disability, should be able to live independently and participate fully in their communities, and have the right to make choices and control the decisions in and about their lives. Technical Assistance Health HHS
Office of Head Start - Transportation Resources  The Office of Head Start provides resources for building a safe, cost-effective, and responsive transportation system. Technical Assistance Health; Youth and families; Transportation HHS
Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) PVA’s mission is to ensure that every Veteran of every age, every branch, and every conflict regains what they fought for: their freedom and independence. They are the only nonprofit Veteran Service Organization dedicated solely to helping Veterans with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D), and diseases, like MS and ALS. Partner Organization People with disabilities; Veterans NCD
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) Since its inception in 1999, the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center's mission has been to improve the quality of life in communities through the increase of safe walking and bicycling as a viable means of transportation and physical activity. As a national leader in pedestrian and bicycle research and resources, the PBIC develops and shares resources vital to advancing mobility, access, equity, and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists. Technical Assistance Transportation DOT
Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA) PHADA’s 1,900 member housing agencies represent over 1.9 million low-income housing units throughout the United States. Their members manage small, medium, large, rural, and urban housing authorities that run programs including public housing, housing choice vouchers, Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD), and a variety of other innovative public-private partnerships. Partner Organization Housing HUD
Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) Technical Assistance Center (TAC) The PTASP TAC provides comprehensive technical assistance to help the transit industry meet PTASP regulation requirements, as outlined in 49 CFR part 673. Technical Assistance Transportation DOT
Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, & Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act Advisory Council To support the development and execution of the strategy, the RAISE Family Caregivers Act directed the establishment of the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council. The advisory council is charged with providing recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on effective models of family caregiving and support to family caregivers, as well as improving coordination across federal government programs. Partner Organization Youth and families HHS
Rural Health Information Hub The Rural Health Information Hub, formerly the Rural Assistance Center, is funded by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy to be a national clearinghouse on rural health issues. They are committed to supporting healthcare and population health in rural communities. Partner Organization; Technical Assistance Health USDA; HHS
Shared-Use Mobility Center (SUMC) The Shared-Use Mobility Center is a public-interest organization dedicated to achieving equitable, affordable, and environmentally sound mobility across the US through the efficient sharing of transportation assets. By connecting the public and private sectors, piloting programs, conducting new research, and providing policy and technical expertise to cities and regions, SUMC seeks to extend the benefits of shared mobility for all. Technical Assistance Transportation DOT
State Primary Care Office (PCO) Committee PCOs are units of state or territorial governments that provide healthcare workforce and shortage designation analysis, technical assistances, and liaison, with federal, state and local partners. Partner Organization Health HHS
Supporting Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Advisory Council The advisory council's mission is to identify, promote, coordinate, and disseminate information, resources, and best practices to help grandparents and older relative caregivers of children meet the health, educational, nutritional, and other needs of the children in their care while maintaining their own physical, mental, and emotional well-being.  Partner Organization Older adults; Youth and families HHS
The National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED) The NACCED serves members who receive direct assistance from HUD’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs, including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs; as well as not-for-profit organizations and technology providers in the community development space. Partner Organization Housing HUD
National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) NCHE operates the U.S. Department of Education’s technical assistance and information center for the federal Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program. Technical Assistance Youth and families; Justice ED
The Tribal Youth Resource Center Tribal Law and Policy Institute (TLPI) The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) offers free training and technical assistance (TTA) to all OJJDP Tribal grantees to facilitate program planning, enhancement, and implementation. The TLPI, along with our partner the National Native Children’s Trauma Center (NNCTC) provides TTA to increase tribal communities’ skills and knowledge about programs and strategies, building capacity to develop effective and sustainable programs for reducing juvenile crime and increasing youth potential in tribal communities. Partner Organization Tribal DOJ
Transit Planning 4 All (TP4A) TP4A is a transportation-planning project that seeks to explore and promote the practice of inclusive planning.  Technical Assistance Transportation; Older adults; People with disabilities HHS; DOT
Transit Workforce Center (TWC) The TWC supports the workforce development needs of urban, suburban, tribal, and rural public transportation entities, with an overarching mission to assist the industry as it recruits, hires, trains, and retains the diverse workforce needed now and in the future. Technical Assistance Transportation DOT
United Spinal Association United Spinal Association represents our nation’s 5.5 million wheelchair users. Their mission is to empower and advocate for people with a spinal cord injury or disorder and all wheelchair users to achieve their highest quality of life. Partner Organization People with disabilities DOL; NCD
USAging USAging is the national association representing and supporting the network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocating for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs. Their members help older adults and people with disabilities throughout the United States live with optimal health, well-being, independence and dignity in their homes and communities.  Partner Organization Older adults HHS
Vocational Rehabilitation Technical Assistance Center for Quality Employment (VRTAC-QE) The VRTAC-QE's goal is to increase the knowledge and skills of state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies and community partners that help people with disabilities achieve quality employment and career advancement, with emphasis on competitive integrated employment. Partner Organization; Technical Assistance Labor; People with disabilities SSA; ED