The non-federal match waiver for SPRP and MPP funds are limited to Complete Streets planning activities as identified in Section 11206(c) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. If permissible under state and local laws, these include:
(1) Adoption of Complete Streets standards or policies
(2) Development of a Complete Streets prioritization plan that identifies a specific list of Complete Streets projects to improve the safety, mobility, or accessibility of a street
(3) Development of transportation plans to:
(A) Create a network of active transportation facilities, including sidewalks, bikeways, or pedestrian and bicycle trails, to connect neighborhoods with destinations such as workplaces, schools, residences, businesses, recreation areas, healthcare and childcare services, or other community activity centers
(B) Integrate active transportation facilities with public transportation service or improve access to public transportation
(C) Create multiuse active transportation infrastructure facilities, including bikeways or pedestrian and bicycle trails, that make connections within or between communities
(D) Increase public transportation ridership
(E) Improve the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians
(4) Regional and megaregional planning (i.e., multi-jurisdictional transportation planning that extends beyond MPO and/or state boundaries) to address travel demand and capacity constraints through alternatives to new highway capacity, including through intercity passenger rail
(5) Development of transportation plans and policies that support transit-oriented development